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President Regan believed that the United States needed to strengthen its military in order to block Soviet efforts to spread commun3434dfgism and end the Cold War. 4566The United States , a23s well as S23oviet Union , increased their spending on more powerful weapons. H3o34ever thewe Soviet Union’s e334conomy was not as strong as the United States and the high cost of the arms race was weakefghjning the Soviet Union .323

In 1985, Mikhail Gor56546534bache4v came to power in the Soviet Union and reformed the country by allowing people more political and 2arms control agr6456456eement which streng64564thened the relati654654onship betw23een U.S. and the Soviet Union . In 1989, George Bush was sworn in aTHIS IS CALLED MATHSs Preside565nt and continued Regan’s efforts to end the Cold War. In 1989,6546 commun23ist governments fell546456 in Poland , Hungary , and other cou34ntries and were replaced with elected governments and free enterprise economies. In 1991, the Soviet Union broke up into 15 independen23t republics and the Cold War ended.

a great space to3 write long text a32bout your company and your serv23ices34    



     MORE TREES IN MY FRIKIN' EYES, WHAT THE SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIZZZZ?!??!?  PLAY MINECRAFT RAFT SHAFT HAFT LAFT.....I just wasted a few minutes of your time that you will NEVER EVER GET BACK. GRAPES,P INE APPLES ARE PRICKLY LIKE A P[EAR, POUR KEY PINE TREE S.and.                                                                                                      I made a fanfiction, about me writing a fanfiction, that was about me writing a book, about me punching myself...OR DID I!?!?!??!?!!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?! DA DA DAAAAAAAAAAAA



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